Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Field report - Lacis, Berkeley, CA

Against my better judgement, I went into Lacis on Adeline Ave in
Berkeley, CA yesterday. I say against my better judgement because I
knew that they have an amazing collection of temptations in all manner
of textiles, although they specialize in costume and lace, including a
wonderful museum which has great examples of knitted lace. I hadn't visited the shop since getting wedding gear there nearly 10 years ago, and I was very pleased by the changes that had been made to the store.

I want to recommend their book selection to anyone who is looking for
hard-to-find titles, including out-of-prints. Now that the incredibly
knowledgable - but at times formidable - founder has gone to her
reward, the shop is much user-friendlier. The manager, Erin, is a gem
and very helpful. I also found many type of new knitting gadgets, including thimble-thingees for keeping multiple colors of yarn straight, at fair prices. They also have a beautiful selection of house-brand bone knitting needles, if you've ever wanted to try that.

I did a fair amount of damage, esp. in the millinery department. If you have a big head and are looking for hat forms, straw hats to be shaped, this is your place. but
It is definitely worth a vist. http:/www.lacis.com/ Lacis - 2982 Adeline, Berkeley. 510-843-7290.


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