Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Roses of the Prophet Mohammed"

... are what you'll have to ask for in Tehran if you want a Danish to go with your tea or coffee, according to both Dagens Nyheter in Stockholm and Haaretz in Israel. Following - or is that "follying"? - in the footsteps of "Freedom Fries" and - if you have a longer memory, or talkative older relatives - "Victory Cabbage". Iranians, who are apparently really big on the pastries, have renamed danish pastries, in order to protest about the caricatures published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten some months ago. Oddly enough, Danes call the pastries weinerbrød or "Viennese bread", acknowledging that the art of layering butter and dough comes from the east - from the Turks, according to most food historians.


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