Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Gam zu l'Tovah - This Also is for the Good

Now, not that I'll ever be confused with Nachum Ish Gamzu (it's a good story - look it up), but at least something good comes from this heat here in the "middest of west", as a Turkish friend once called where I live. Not only does the corn love the heat, seemingly as much as I despise it, but when the mercury goes above 82/28, I truly am uninterested in eating food. Drinks, yes, most food, no.

The one healthy exception to this is salads. Tabouleh, especially made with good durum bulghur (which is a subject for a later discussion), is always good, but all kinds of salads are wonderful.

A recent favorite salad in our house - and my mother and my brothers houses - has been my adaptation of one of our rebbetzin's good salads. It's cheap and easy and fast.

Chinese Cole Slaw

1 pkg cole slaw cabbage mix
1/2 c. dried cranberries
1/2 c. toasted slivered or sliced almonds (un-toasted work fine as well)


Equal parts of a neutral oil (corn, safflower, etc.) and rice vinegar
3 tblsp. toasted sesame seeds (both of the toasted items keep well in a glass jar)
1/2 tsp. fine sugar or sweetener
splash of soy - I prefer a dark
splash of sesame seed oil (light or dark)
white pepper and salt to taste

Mix dressing and add to salad ingredients. You can dress it right at the table or a little before if you like the dressing to soak in. Add other vegetables, if that suits your, or tofu or cheese if you are looking for more protein.


Blogger Kashrut News said...

Sounds delish - can't wait to try it. Thanks!

1/8/05 17:52  

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